Dorothy at The Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska on September 13th, 2022
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
Dorothy is one of those bands I can tell you where I was and what I was doing the first time I heard
them. I was messing around looking for something new to listen to and a friend through Dorothy out as
a suggestion. I looked them up on iTunes, yep…iTunes, and immediately loved Dorothy Martin’s voice. I
have been a fan every since.
This was my 3rd time seeing Dorothy live, second time shooting photos. The thing that seems to surprise a
lot of people is that Martin’s voice sounds so amazing live. It’s one thing to sound good on a record, but
to be able to pull it off live, is quite another. I had a couple friends that came to the show, they had not
heard of Dorothy, I told them how amazing she is. Thinking I may have set the bar too high…is there any
way for her to live up the hype I was selling to my friends? Well…she exceeded the hype. I now have a
couple of friends that are as big as fans as I am.
Not only is Dorothy Martin an incredible singer, but her band is also top notch musicians. They put on a
solid rock and roll show. Currently touring with Dorothy is lead guitarist is Sam Koltun (Faster Pussycat),
Eliot Lorango on bass, and Jake Hayden on drums.
Dorothy is currently touring in support of their new album “Gifts of the Holy Ghost”. A highlight for me
was when they played “Black Sheep” of the new album. It was the first time they had played it live. It’s a
great album start to finish- definitely worth giving it a shot. If you get the chance to see Dorothy live, do
it. You will not be disappointed.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2022.
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